Search for tag: "public presentation 2014"

John Krisinger - The Biology and Chemistry of Aging

Presentation date: January 15, 2014 The lecture investigates the current knowledge regarding the aging process and life expectancy in all animals in particular humans. This includes a look at the…

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André Carrel - The Undeveloped Potential of Municipal Goverance

Presentation date: November 5, 2014 The nucleus of democracy’s philosophy is one of citizens being engaged and taking responsibility for the governing of their own communities. The election is…

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Kathryn Banks - Challenges for Women who Experience Intimate Partner Violence during Pregnancy”

Presentation date: October 8, 2014 How pregnant women take on and define their roles as mothers in two-parent families is affected by their experiences of intimate partner violence and abuse. This…

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Christopher M Gee - The Future is YOW: Rafts, Rivers and Youth-Centred Environmentalism

Presentation date: February 12, 2014 Young people in our area are becoming stewards of one of the last wild salmon ecosystems on Earth. Outdoor enthusiasts, youth care workers, and conservationists…

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Sarah de Leeuw - Small, Intimate, and Loving: Re-scaling and Embodying Sustainibility

Presentation date: October 22, 2014 In this presentation I promote an erotic and interdisciplinary approach to sustainability and geophilosophy that draws from radical feminism, aspects of…

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Alex Lautensach - Teaching Scientific Literacy for Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Presentation date: December 3, 2014 At this stage in human history the sustainable management of natural resources has become a critical requirement for a secure future. The absence of sustainable…

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Ché Elkin - Local and Global Insights into the Future of Northern Mixedwood Forest Ecosystems

Presentation date: December 18, 2014 Northern mixedwood forests provide a range of ecosystem services, including timber production, carbon storage, the maintenance of biodiversity and recreational…

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Max Ritts - Whale Song and Noise Pollution

Presentation date: January 29, 2014 What comes to mind when you think of whale sound? Mystery? Nature? Something soothing? What about submarine experiments, ocean noise, and Pink Floyd? In BC, a…

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