Our skiʔkíye (ancestors), Our…
Our skiʔkíye (ancestors), Our ʔím’ec (grandchildren): Our Journey in Knowledge Repatriation and Cultural Revitalization - Angie Bain - October 1 2019
From UNBC Video
Auditing Resilience - Adapting to Cumulative…
Auditing Resilience - Adapting to Cumulative Effects Analysis in the Neoliberal Era - Dr. Tom Ozden-Schilling, John Hopkins University - March 22 2019
This Never-Ending Treadmill - Axel…
This Never-Ending Treadmill - Axel Wenner-Gren's British Columbia Project, 1956-61 - February 27 2019
Using Archives to Share Stories of Change in the…
Using Archives to Share Stories of Change in the Upper Fraser Region of Northern BC - Dr. Greg Halseth - March 6 2018
From ems@unbc.ca
Aspiration – A History of the University of…
Aspiration – A History of the University of Northern British Columbia to 2015. - Dr. Jonathan Swainger - January 30 2018